THURSDAY January 19th at 7:30pm!!
This month's Astronomical Horizon's Lecture is titled "Chasing the Exploding Stars that Map Out the Universe" with Dr. Chelsea Harris.
Type 1a supernovae are used to measure the expansion of the Universe and showed us that the Universe is accelerating ("dark energy"), but how exactly stars explode to make a Type 1a supernova remains a mystery. I will discuss developments -- and drama -- in supernova cosmology over the last decade, the surprises that have taught us about the stars that make them, and how the Vera Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time will propel us forward in the decade to come.
This event is free and lasts about an hour.
Astronomical Horizons.
This lecture series held at the Abrams Planetarium surveys the latest developments in astronomy. Astronomical Horizons is offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy through its astronomy group and Abrams Planetarium. Each talk begins at 7:30 p.m.and there is no charge for admission.