Please open the attached file for direct links. I have copied the text below for a easy reading.
Greetings from the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society!
These have been difficult times for everyone, including astronomical organizations such as ours. However, there has been one silver lining. As noted recently in an article on Sky & Telescope’s website, telescope sales have been booming during the pandemic. Indeed, the KAS itself has experienced a surge in membership. And it comes at a time when we can’t hold in-person activities! One day, soon I hope, the pandemic will end and things will gradually return to normal. When that time finally comes, the trick for us will be to maintain those new members. To that end, the KAS is offering three special online activities and I’d like to extend an invitation to your members to attend:
Online Viewing Sessions
These unique sessions will be on Zoom and feature the KAS Remote Telescope, a 20-inch
PlaneWave CDK and Takahashi FSQ-106 on a Paramount MEII mount. It is located under the
dark desert skies of Arizona Sky Village. While attendees enjoy fresh images from the two
telescopes, we’ll provide background information and interesting scientific tidbits on each target. We also hope to enjoy some comradery with other amateur astronomers – basically turn it into an online star party! Some of you previously received an invitation, but since then we’ve decided to allow Zoom reservations through our website. You can also register using the links below:
November 7th | December 5th | January 9th | February 6th
If weather conditions necessitate a cancellation there will be a second “cloud date” scheduled
the following Saturday. These will be posted on our website, but we encourage people to join
our OVS email list for notifications of postponements, cancellations, and reminders. We also
plan to live-stream the sessions on our YouTube channel in case we reach our Zoom limit.
Introduction to Amateur Astronomy
This five-part lecture series covers all the basics of getting started in amateur astronomy. For
the first time ever, it’s being offered online and meets every two weeks starting January 23rd.
Those interested are encouraged to visit the series’ webpage and register today. Many of you
no doubt already offer similar introductory programs, but if not, then your members are welcome to attend ours. There’s nothing better to retain members and encourage new ones.
Introduction to Astronomy Course
For those looking for something more challenging than an introduction to amateur astronomy, I offer this 12-week course on the basics of the science of astronomy. It begins on January 12th and meets twice a week. This is a class of personal enrichment being offered by an amateur astronomer, for amateur astronomers. As with any course there will be assignments to complete and exams to be taken, but no grades or credits will be given. This is a great way for people to be challenged and better themselves while self-quarantining this winter during the pandemic.There is a fee, but it’s only a fraction of the cost of taking a similar course at a community college. Check out the course syllabus to learn more and contact me to register.
Thank you for taking the time to read this invitation. We hope you do us the courtesy of passing it along to your membership. If you have any unique online events coming up as well, please let me know and I’d be happy to notify the KAS membership. At times like this we need to band together! Clear skies and stay healthy.
― Richard S. Bell, KAS President