UPDATE: Here is the link for those that missed the Meeting:
This month is all about the Moon! Since we have a Total Lunar Eclipse later this month, I thought we could use a nice lunar refresher and found an interesting video presentation to show at the meeting:
"Field Trip to the Moon", from the American Museum of Natural History.
Museum astrophysicist Jackie Faherty and Director of Astrovisualization Carter Emmart will lead us on a virtual space flight to our lunar neighbor to experience the phases of the Moon as never before!
Experience the phases of the Moon as never before and visit landing sites of NASA’s Apollo and Chinese Lunar Exploration programs, including on the far side of the Moon to find out why these missions play an important role in advancing science on Earth.
Hopefully this video will get us ready for the upcoming Lunar eclipse and any help answer any Moon questions you might get asked by friends and family.
We will start the meeting at 7:00 with a sky show going over the Lunar Eclipse times and discuss a couple of different outreach events going on in the area for the total eclipse
See you Wednesday at 7pm at Abrams Planetarium!