Occultations of Mars by the Moon will be visible in parts of the U.S. on the evenings of Dec. 7 (Full Moon) and Jan. 30 (waxing gibbous). For a map of the December 7 event with times for many locations, visit http://lunar-occultations.com/iota/planets/1208mars.htm and scroll down to the data for U.S. cities. Remember to subtract the appropriate number of hours from Universal Time to convert event times to your time zone: Five hours to get EST.
Occultation predictions of Mars Magnitude -1.9
Date 2022 Dec 8
Moon: % illumination = 100+, Solar elongation = 178
U.T. Sun Moon CA PA WA a b
Location h m s Alt Alt Az o o o m/o m/o
Lansing Mi 10 17 19 58 112 36N 120 124 +2.3 -0.4